Volume VIII – Andrew Gilbert & Zhuang Ruizhe
Volume VIII – Andrew Gilbert & Zhuang Ruizhe

November 2024

The Sun will never set on the Leek Phone Empire – Leek Phone sponsored Contemporary Art Conversations

In the autumn of 2023, Andrew Gilbert traveled to Hangzhou, China, as representative of Leek Phone™ to explore potential business deals, establish new trade routes, seek territory for founding Emperor Andrew Instant Coffee plantations, and participate in the BY ART MATTERS artist residency program.

Volume VIII – Andrew Gilbert & Zhuang Ruizhe


all exhibits

Andrew Gilbert: Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew


„I thought my collection of stolen artefacts and looted treasure was vast, until I saw the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew“
Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth III

Sperling is proud to present for the first time in European history a selection of the Private Collection of Emperor Andrew. From Queen Victoria to Saddam Hussein there is a long and noble tradition of deranged Dictators collecting art. Presented in a recreation of the Royal Throne room of Emperor Andrew are objects gathered by Andrew Gilbert on his many journeys and glorious military campaigns. A Jezail from Afghanistan , a Zulu headdress and aPatersons Camp Coffee apron (from Glasgow) are a few examples of the objects aquired through conquest and culutural cannibalism. Objects of great historical significance include the Handbag worn by Emperor Andrew at his meeting with General Gordon of Khartoum and the Sword used to behead Michael Caine in Afghanistan in 1842. Artefacts from faded and forgotten Empires are presented along side objects of contemporary pop culture that refer to Colonial History. These include the original soundtrack L.P of the Shaka Zulu series by Miriam Singana, the dress worn by Nina Simone during the recording ofthe song ‘Damballa’ and a small selection of books from the Ulundi National Library (Andrew‘s book shelf). Alongside these Trophies of European Expansionism and Relics of Failed National Resistance movements are a number of art works purchased or donated to the Royal Collection. The visitor is greeted by Markus Selg‘s „Portrait of emperor Andrew”, 2009. Other artists include Stani Nitkowski, Jackson Nkumanda, Carle Vernet, Fred Myburgh, Carola Ernst , Timothy Archer, Dominic Wood andMaria Concetta Cassara.
„My tomb shall be placed on a mountain of hacked off heads – my legacy eternal and glorious“ Finally at the centre of the Hall is the Royal Throne (borrowed from the Ulundi National Gallery) with the ‘Sacred Business Telephone‘, through which Andrew communicates direclty with the Eternal Spirit of the Mahdi and Shaka Napoleon. „Europe lies broken and naked at the feet of Emperor Andrew“

Holy Brocoli, Official Secretary and Royal Masseuse of Emperor Andrew

Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016
Installation view: Andrew Gilbert, “Cabinet of the Royal Collection of Emperor Andrew”, 2016