Two To Tango Two: ART N MORE, Maria Schumacher, Thomas Geiger, Ben K. Voss, Andrew Gilbert, Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers), Veronika Hilger, Christoph Roßner, Anna McCarthy, Paulina Nolte, Ana Navas, Kasia Fudakowski, Anna Vogel, Gregor Hildebrandt
After TWO TO TANGO in 2017 we again asked each gallery artist to invite one artist to be a part of the exhibition and to show one work next to one of the respective inviting SPERLING artist.
Thinking of Never Ending Ending
Thinking of Never Ending Ending (Never Ending Ending)
There's a whisper in the Leipzig breeze
Reminding me of a stoic universe
That whisper builds
That whisper cries
Stoic universe in the morning skies
Don't live your life like an Abklatsch
Today might feel a time to be like an Abklatsch
But that ain't no way to lead a life
Always stay fake it till you make it,
Always stay fake it till you make it
I met a fake it till you make it man
How can you be so fake it till you make it?" asked I
Here was his wise reply
Don't live your life like an Abklatsch
Today might feel a time to be like an Abklatsch
I met an old lady who lived like an Abklatsch
“What happened to her?” asked I
Here was her wise reply
Don't live your life like an Abklatsch
Today might feel a time to be like an Abklatsch
I think of never ending endings when I'm in a San Francisco state of mind
(By Paul Bowler and Georg Weißbach)
I know Ben since 2012 when we met during the New York Art Book Fair. Over the years we stayed in touch and kept us updated about our works and activities. In summer 2017, I got an e-mail from Ben, saying that he had an epiphany while he was visiting Cossyra on the Italian island of Pantelleria. As a conclusion, he decided to destroy all his old works and to start from a very new point. Half a year later, I received photos of his new painting. Until today he follows this path – and until today I am touched and impressed by these paintings. (By Thomas Geiger)
Umar Rashid (Frohawk Twofeathers) and Andrew dance to the savage drums of the Eternal European Tribal War. Their boots are polished. Their Glorious banners unfurled. The onions are chopped, the prawns are cooked, their enemies heads are removed as their eyes transform into Mushrooms. The saxophones shreeek like parrots with their wings removed... as the Dance of Occupation and Conquest begins again and again... and again. (By Andrew Gilbert)
Eines meiner zentralen Anliegen ist die Suche nach Mehrdeutigkeit. Mich interessiert besonders das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen einer klar zu benennenden Gegenständlichkeit und ihrer Brechung ins Uneindeutige. Dieserart suche ich nach einer Bildsprache zwischen einer verwirrenden Abseitigkeit und einem unaufgeregten Humor. (Taken out of Christoph Roßner’s artist statement)
Paulina Nolte wanders with peaches in her hands, squashing them into palms of willing skeletons whom she beckons sweetly to dance with her. Sometimes we meet in the backyard of our cement grandhotel lemonade to throw skulls and dip our toes in cold pools of water, sipping on straws of cardboard soaked in pink ladies. (By Anna McCarthy)
Ask for help. If the job needs two pairs of hands, politely find them // Consider using a mask // Do not listen exclusively to one form of audio while working // Do not lean over too much. You are your own boss. Adjust the height of your work-surface accordingly // Be considerate. Don't make too much noise after 8 pm, especially on sundays. You are still a citizen. // Check the dimensions of your studio door and scale your work accordingly. (By Ana Navas)
Da tönten von allen Bergen
So seltsam und wunderschön
Die Lieder von tausend Zwergen,
Die nie ein Mensch gesehen.
Es klang wie ein alter Reigen
Wohl über Feld und Thal.
Dann aber begann ein Schweigen,
Das erfüllte das ganze All.
Wir standen und sahen träumend
Die Berge und Zwerge an.
Das Bächlein aber lief schäumend
Plötzlich zum Himmel hinan.
(By Paul Scheerbart, 1897)