Postcards for Ukraine: Postcards for Ukraine
After our postcard/book project in 2014 and after thinking about ways to support those affected by the war in Ukraine, we decided to bring back A man walks into a bar for a charity edition, supporting three charity organizations with 100 % of the revenue.
About A man walks into a bar
In 2014 we invited around 100 artists to send us a self-designed postcard with their favorite joke written on the back. Hatje Cantz published a book with the collection of the postcards.
Postcards for Ukraine
We were looking for a quick and unbureaucratic way to support those affected by the war in Ukraine. The plan is to adapt our original concept and to invite artists again to send us self-designed postcards. The backs of the cards can be used for messages, quotes, statements or whatever feels right to the participating artist. The cards will be for sale priced at 300 Euros online via a newly created Instagram account and a website. In order to maximize transparency and promptness the buyer will chose one of three charity organizations and donate a minimum of 300 Euros. Once we receive confirmation of the payment we will send the card to the buyer. That way 100 % of the revenue will be donated to these three organizations:
Doctors without Boarders
Mission Lifeline
UN Refugee Agency
The website and Instagram account will go online once we receive the first postcards and will get updates frequently whenever we receive new contributions. In case there are several people interested in one card (which will hopefully be the case) the buyer will be selected randomly.
How to become a part of the project
Please send your (preferably) self-designed and signed postcard to: Sperling
Regerplatz 9
81541 München
Important: please send us a snapshot of your card via email (mail@sperling- to help us identifying the sender of the card. After the sale we will let you know who bought your contribution.
Thank you very much for taking the time to think about our project and for considering becoming a part of it. Please let us know in case you have any questions.
With best wishes,
Franziska Le Meur and Johannes Sperling