Anna Vogel
Anna Vogel (*1981) creates photos or combinations of photography, drawing and print, thematically dealing with digital communication, nature, history and biology. The investigation of these topics is accompanied by a richly imaginative playing with the medium of photography that self confidently transcends the traditional borders of the genre. Vogel took some of the photographs on which her works are based herself; she found others online or created them digitally. Her subjects undergo a large number of analog and digital processes of image editing. She retouches certain visual elements or alters the pictorial composition. She makes use of traditional collage technique, expands the photographic space with the help of drafting tools and is not afraid to scratch the picture surface in a mechanical way. Upon a small space, with often succinct means, and without clearly revealing what exactly is being shown, Vogel’s works achieve an astounding auratic impact while setting in motion perceptual irritations and doubt. They show a world, which remains in the realms of vagueness. Landscapes that seem somehow familiar, but then again not. Settings that are known from somewhere, but nonetheless remain foreign, conveying a melancholic energy that oscillates between desire and discomfort.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
- ukioq, Sperling, Munich, DE
- citysounds, ZONTA Award, Fuhrwerkswaage, Cologne, DE
- Early birds, old souls, Kunstverein Hildesheim, DE
- Give back the kingdom, Sprüth Magers, Berlin, DE
- Fensterbilder, KIT Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, DE
Selected Group Exhibitions
- Erde, Verwobenes Leben, Kunststiftung DZ Bank, Frankfurt, DE
- Breathing Water, Drinking Air, Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf, DE
- Subjekt und Objekt. Foto Rhein Ruhr., Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, DE
- Im Licht der Nacht. Vom Leben im Halbdunkel, Marta Herford, Herford, DE
- Gezielte Setzungen – Übermalte Fotografien in der Zeitgenössischen Kunst, Sprengel Museum Hannover, DE
- Bernd, Hilla and others: Photography from Düsseldorf. Huis Marseille Museum voor Fotografie, Amsterdam, NL
- Handelsblatt: Diese neun jungen Künstler verändern den Kunstmarkt – mit ihrem Stil und ihren Preisen, Sabine Spindler and Susanne Schreiber, 2019 ↗
- Aethetica Magazine: In conversation with Anna Vogel, 2015 ↗
- Art Kunstmagazin: Sentimentale Störenfriedin, Birgit Sonna, 2015
- Der Greif: Artist Blog Anna Vogel, Jennifer Braun, 2013 ↗
Anna Vogel during her time in Tyrol, Austria, 2019-2023